Vidhan Bhaiya
Northern Eastern University, USA
Title: Dr. Brinsley – creating a range of diabetic footwear which combines medical performance with chic style for the Indian patient
Biography: Vidhan Bhaiya
India is the diabetes capital of the world with over 80 million diabetics (IDF). Current preventive diabetic footwear results in non-adherence as patients lament the quality, style and effectiveness of the footwear. We have studied how to design and make diabetic sandals using indigenous materials for the Indian consumer. The first phase of research involved personal interviews with 250 diabetic males between the age of 45-55 years spread across the country to understand the characteristics of ideal sandals for them after the consideration of geographical, cultural and climatic factors. The second phase involved consulation with leading diabetologists and podiatrists to identify special concerns for the needs of diabetic feet in India. Then, by collaboration with footwear designers and component manufacturers in Italy, we designed a range of footwear that combines the needs of the caregiver and patient to thereby improve adherence. It was found that there is an increase in adherence of preventive diabetic footwear among Indian diabetic patients when given designs they are familiar with whilst also keeping costs between $30-$35. The framework for these designs are made by meeting the requirements laid down by caregivers.